The Power of Essential Oils

If you didn’t already know this about me…I’m a bit of a hippy at heart.

Which is why I’m a huge advocate of using essential oils. Not only are they a customisable, natural way of scenting your home – their power goes beyond scent for me. 

Ever wanted to create that spa-like feel at home?

Feeling a bit tense after a long day?

Got a particular niggle like allergies, or a cold, that you need some relief from?

A drop of this, a drop of that in my diffuser and I’ve instantly got a beautifully scented room that transports me to post-yoga zen.

Or maybe you love a particular ‘note’ in your candles – like Lemon, or Eucalyptus, or even Cinnamon? Essential oils allow you to go back to basics and create your own blend of fragrance from scratch. A drop of this, a drop of that in my diffuser and I’ve instantly got a beautifully scented room that transports me to post-yoga zen.

Last week I had a flare up of my allergies – putting it down to feeling run down and being stuck inside because of the snow – which always worsens them as the air quality and lack of airflow in the room can really worsen my symptoms. 

A quick Google brought up a simple blend of oils that I already had in my collection. Lavender, Eucalyptus and Peppermint. Within 30 minutes, my breathing had improved, I could feel the congestion easing off and I was so chilled out with a lovely scent in my room. Is it a miracle cure? No. Should essential oils replace modern medicine? NO! But when it comes to simple ailments like mild allergies, hay fever, coughs and colds – they can really improve the air quality in the room and help alleviate symptoms. 

Other ways I love to use my oils:

* When I’m cleaning and tidying to get that fresh, vibrant scent – citrus and mint work well (these blends are also great for getting started in the morning). 

* In the Autumn/Winter if I want a warm, festive feel – orange, cinnamon, frankincense! 

* When I’m in full on pamper mode and want that spa feeling – eucalyptus and bergamot are my favourites to create a blend. 

For anyone interested, I got mine from TK Maxx although there are loads on Amazon like this one. I also got my oils kit on Amazon here – I love the set as it’s nice to have the variety, it even comes with a helpful booklet with hundreds of blends and recipes for different areas – from cleaning, to illness to seasonal changes. 

Do you use essential oils in your home? What are your favourite blends?

Love & Good Vibes,
Kat x 

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