Empowered Women Empower Women

I’m very lucky to have some incredibly inspiring, driven, caring and supportive friends in my life.

Many of whom I’ve met through WeBlogMCR – now WeBlogNorth. Last weekend we celebrated the Northern blogging community in style at the first annual Northern Blog Awards. Organised and hosted by WeBlog founder Holly, without whom we wouldn’t be the blogging community we are today in Manchester.

The night was a huge success and everyone had such a lovely time. There was all the glitz, all the glamour – an incredible 3 course dinner, live band, brand sponsorship and insane goodie bags! I am so proud of what Holly has created from the ground up, and it’s really got me thinking about how important it is to support other people doing amazing things. 

Your vibe attracts your tribe

It’s no accident that as I’ve been braver in my decisions, opened myself up emotionally, said yes to amazing opportunities and been unapologetically me along the way – I’ve attracted some of the most positive, supportive and like minded women into my inner circle.

I used to be very closed off to making new friends. As an introvert, I can struggle at the best of times with big social events, but up until a few years ago I’d find it impossible to be confident and meet new people. Being bold and following my intuition in all walks of life, from work, to relationships, to how I show up to the world everyday, has allowed me to be confident in knowing who I am – but also to be confident in letting other people in. 

So the point of this blogpost is to say – don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You might be surprised at the lifelong friends you make along the way! And when you do make those friends.. Raise them up. Give them constructive feedback. Be a listening ear when they need it. Share their stuff. Champion them.

Because empowered women, empower other women!

I will include all of Holly, WeBlogNorth and the Northern Blog Awards links below – please do go and show her some love, as you’ll be hearing from her again VERY soon… 😉 

Holly’s Personal Links


Northern Blog Awards

Thanks to Carl Sukonik for the amazing photographs! 

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